Amputee Therapy

Amputee Therapy Causes and Treatment:

The need for lower extremity amputations is usually due to the following:

  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Trauma

If the amputation is above the knee then the prothetic will have the socket, knee and ankle joints and foot components. If the amputation is below the knee then there will be socket, ankle and foot components.

What to expect after surgery:

Immediately after surgery, as the limb heals range of motion, exercises will begin. These will progress to limb strengthening as healing takes place. Once the limb heals, the initial prothesis will be made and weight bearing will begin. To gain tolerance to the prothesis, standing weight shifts and gentle walking in the parallel bars will be used. As weight bearing begins, stretching and strengthening exercises will be progressed. To ensure a good fit for your prothesis, we will work closely with the prosthetist that created the prothetic limb.

Recovery Timeline:

Progression from the parallel bars to a cane and to independence depends on many factors. As one gains strength, balance and gait technique, he or she will require less assistance and gain more independence. The customized home exercise program will be very important in your progression. As one gains the ability to safely ambulate, more functional skills such as stairs, ramps, hurdles and curbs will be added.

The rehabilitation from an amputation is a complex process. The goal with physical therapy is to assist you in gaining maximum independence so you can safely function in the family, community and workplace.

What You Need to Know

To Schedule an Appointment:

Call us at (479) 524-8028.

What Insurance Do You Take?

We accept all major insurance providers.

Do I Need Insurance?

We will see patients without insurance. For these appointments we accept cash payments.

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